From 1947 till date.........
Extension to India Extended.......
From 1947 till date.....
To be or Not to be, that is the question(William shakesphere)
Azad Kashmir Or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
Is that the ? Or is peace the ?
Is Kashmir the ? or Kashmiri's the ?
Is Islamabad or Delhi the ? or its Avaam the ?
Is Pakistan and India the ? or pranay(and 1.2 billion more) and Danyaal(and 160 million more ) the ?
I am an Indian and a proud one too?(Is that a question)
Never got the real issue for the last decade(thats when i think i started understanding issues like such). I read D's blog today and it made me nostalgic, it made me ask myself , am i biased towards calling the part of the world i call as POK by the name i do, is it not fair enough for the public to decide whom do they want to be ruled by? Am i in a state of patriotic blindness and ignorant of the fact that the right i keep fighting for each day, called the right to freedom also stands for those mujahiddins who are fighting in once called the 'Paradise of the world'.
60 years back a man fought against the law of the state, today we call him the father of the nation, will a few years hence even people who are currently called 'jihadis', militants and terrorists groups like Harakat ul mujahiddin be the ‘Bapu’ of the free Kashmir if and when it happens.
No, because Peace is what was the backbone of the Mahatma’s teaching. Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi or Bapu as we call him fought a battle with armed soldiers with naked hands. Non Violence was the cry, and that is what I have against all these groups; Maybe after listening to the other side I can understand the point of view they have (and trust me I respect it as well), but violence can never be an answer to anything, it would just make a fight for Freedom(Though that’s Debatable) look like a terrorist strike.
Pranay says ‘There is no substitute for peace’.
Jai Hind
Please note - 'Bapu' is a Hindi word meaning Father. Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was called by this name by all his followers and still is by the whole nation.
From 1947 till date.....
To be or Not to be, that is the question(William shakesphere)
Azad Kashmir Or Pakistan Occupied Kashmir
Is that the ? Or is peace the ?
Is Kashmir the ? or Kashmiri's the ?
Is Islamabad or Delhi the ? or its Avaam the ?
Is Pakistan and India the ? or pranay(and 1.2 billion more) and Danyaal(and 160 million more ) the ?
I am an Indian and a proud one too?(Is that a question)
Never got the real issue for the last decade(thats when i think i started understanding issues like such). I read D's blog today and it made me nostalgic, it made me ask myself , am i biased towards calling the part of the world i call as POK by the name i do, is it not fair enough for the public to decide whom do they want to be ruled by? Am i in a state of patriotic blindness and ignorant of the fact that the right i keep fighting for each day, called the right to freedom also stands for those mujahiddins who are fighting in once called the 'Paradise of the world'.
60 years back a man fought against the law of the state, today we call him the father of the nation, will a few years hence even people who are currently called 'jihadis', militants and terrorists groups like Harakat ul mujahiddin be the ‘Bapu’ of the free Kashmir if and when it happens.
No, because Peace is what was the backbone of the Mahatma’s teaching. Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi or Bapu as we call him fought a battle with armed soldiers with naked hands. Non Violence was the cry, and that is what I have against all these groups; Maybe after listening to the other side I can understand the point of view they have (and trust me I respect it as well), but violence can never be an answer to anything, it would just make a fight for Freedom(Though that’s Debatable) look like a terrorist strike.
Pranay says ‘There is no substitute for peace’.
Jai Hind
Please note - 'Bapu' is a Hindi word meaning Father. Mohan Das Karamchand Gandhi was called by this name by all his followers and still is by the whole nation.