Sunday, March 11, 2007

The washing of the throne

The washing of the Throne

United Kingdom of today is so different from what was considered as typical British in recent years, the whole connotation of the word itself has gone for an alteration. Its also kind of amusing(though in a very sarcastic way) to see the once Kings, living like lambs in this new and dynamic world of today, which is seeing countries like India and China emerging as the new super powers.

A few friends of mine dismiss these views of mine and this blog is for them who say ‘They still have a lot of muscle left in them’.

Its been a great experience staying and travelling in the UK, in which I have made some great friends who are from this part of the world. They are great people who drink a lot(everyone knows whom im talking about, smoke even more, eat quite a bit but talk less. English specially are known for a stiff upper lip and are very formal people unlike the Scottish and Irish who are friendlier and the Welsh are completely different from all the other three. These differences in culture and not to mention the language and accents make you feel that it is four different countries rather than one; the English do not like the Scottish and Irish(Cant stand them that is) and vice a versa , the Welsh don’t like anyone except the Irish just a "Wee bit" as a close Irish friend had put it. This is just an example of the lack of unity this country has and how these people hate each other even though staying in the same house(read country).

The children do not want to get educated and most of them leave house in their adolescence. They eat the government funds and have drugs by that money. The government gives you a house if you have a child so teen pregnancy is a common phenomenon, if you don’t have one or also if you want a new one. A Scottish friend told me in her village hardly anyone works or is educated and everyone survives on national funds. It’s appalling to even imagine a country like that and it makes me wonder how much time would these funds last for?

There is a drinking debauchery everyday and drunk men and women can be found making out on the streets with anyone and everyone, these people who generally are criminals stab each other for money in this aggressive condition which alcohol gets them into perpetually.

One of the most multicultural state in the world still has the most racist comments passed on its minorities, the big brother controversy is the latest example of such cases and people like me who stay here will tell you it’s a reality faced by every coloured skin staying in this part of the world. Having said that according to surveys these coloured skin people who have stayed here all their life are the backbone of making London(about 32% in the business are Asian origin, now British) as the financial capital of the world, one of the only two reasons(other being tourism) of the money still coming to the vast empire, but if this discrimination continues along with India and China growing, I wonder how many of them would still want to stay back.

Tourism the other money making machine for UK is also dying a slow death. Once upon a time people used to travel to this country to see the people who rule the whole world, with changing times I personally believe even the tastes have changed reflecting on the few figures I was reading in newspapers with the curve for tourist's coming to UK showing a downhill trend.

Tony Blair, the prime minister who could do no wrong and got the pulse of the nation when the Princess died. The country who loved him more than the palace at that time, showed an act of coward ness when he sent troupes to fight in Iraq even though the whole country was against the idea. America says we should do it, so it has to be right is the impression and expression I got from such a proceed. It just shows the weakness of the first minister of Great Britain.

Yes, they still have muscle , but how long will it last for now is a question, and I personally dare to say if things don’t change drastically, ‘Not for long’.


Blogger pinches said...

I agree.. though they still have the money and the power today .. and a sort of charm that still amkes a lot of us look up to the west ... the shine is slowly fading away ..Its not just India and China as emerging powers , its that we as Indians and all chinese definitely have begin to show a sense of immense pride in their country ... thrs a growing realisation of self worth and awareness of teh weaknesses of the other side ( read America and britain) - i second ur opinion , teh muscle will give way soon.. if europe and america , both dont wake up and smell teh coffee.. and they bloody well gotta do that soon!

6:53 PM  

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