Sunday, February 24, 2008


Each day gets worse, its a date with destiny.

The day started with plan

Will go to Glasgow, get stoned at 1248 Argyle street, eat chicken curry made by D, and chat with people i miss each and every moment i spend in Edinburgh(or anywhere else)

As like i always have been able to do, having a knack to be undecided till the end, i thought i will not go this weekend for reason beyond reason, i cannot even mention them here for common sense sake, in Radhakrishnan terms, 'it was an abomination to common sense'.

Now plan 2

Will watch a film , got unlimited card(which i did, yayyyyyy), and eat out somewhere really nice. As mihika thought Jodha akbar is not worth watching we changed the film plan to a film which had something to do with blood, cat couldn't have made it o that got cancelled as well.


Went for a Jazz singing concert , Mihika ,me and cat to see their friend lisa perform, it took me a while to figure out whats going on in that shady basement in the middle of nowhere .
Mihika got drunk in 3 wine glasses, cat was on 3 shots of redbull and i was on a pint which felt like 3(maybe more with the even more sore throat today morning)......................................


Get a hold of yourself dude, you need a desperate Sanity check and your life a makeover!


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