Monday, December 22, 2008

Mumbai meri jaan

' 2008 Isnt 2001, November is not september, Pakistan isnt Afganistan and India is not America'.

Mumbai terror attacks are being called India's 9/11, maybe these people in the media do not realise the extent of hatred that they are creating for short term TRP's and to what gravity would it affect not one but all the people in south Asia if not the whole globe.
The whole focus has been Pakitan's involvement and to create a map around where and when did the lone terrorist caught came from the neighbouring country, whereas the focus should be on why and how are these camps being created. Why would a 21 year old come into a different country and shoot innocent people from various walks of life? What do we do to make these kids realise that what they are doing is not only wrong in the eyes of a sane human but also in the vision of the very great they 'think' they are pleasing. We need t ask these questions and find answers, before it gets too late. We need to do this together.

South Asia is on a brink of either a nuclear or civil war, we have to be intelligent here and stop the collapse of the free south Asia that we wanted we have seen western power's ruling us for years , if we don't get our acts together now, the future would be worse than it was before 1947. Not because anybody is ruling us, but because there is no rule.

There are 2 roads from here, terror and destruction or peace and mutual growth. Choose.

Sunday, December 14, 2008


2008- it was a year of big ups and downs, many things which were an integral part of me do not exist in my life anymore, many things i did not have within me are an integral part of me now.

It was a year which made me realise I have grown up, I am not the 19 year old boy, going to IHC for theatre workshops anymore, but a 26 year old man going to Lothian road for Investment support. It gave me some wonderful friends and made me loose some other wonderful ones. Gave me money and made me loose a lot of it too, gave me lot of joy and as much sorrow.
I don't know if this year was good or bad for me at this point of time, I don't even know if this year would mean the same to me next year, but 1 thing I know for sure, I will definitely miss you 2008 .

It has not ended as yet. Maybe it wants to get more surprises and challenges.