Sunday, February 24, 2008


Each day gets worse, its a date with destiny.

The day started with plan

Will go to Glasgow, get stoned at 1248 Argyle street, eat chicken curry made by D, and chat with people i miss each and every moment i spend in Edinburgh(or anywhere else)

As like i always have been able to do, having a knack to be undecided till the end, i thought i will not go this weekend for reason beyond reason, i cannot even mention them here for common sense sake, in Radhakrishnan terms, 'it was an abomination to common sense'.

Now plan 2

Will watch a film , got unlimited card(which i did, yayyyyyy), and eat out somewhere really nice. As mihika thought Jodha akbar is not worth watching we changed the film plan to a film which had something to do with blood, cat couldn't have made it o that got cancelled as well.


Went for a Jazz singing concert , Mihika ,me and cat to see their friend lisa perform, it took me a while to figure out whats going on in that shady basement in the middle of nowhere .
Mihika got drunk in 3 wine glasses, cat was on 3 shots of redbull and i was on a pint which felt like 3(maybe more with the even more sore throat today morning)......................................


Get a hold of yourself dude, you need a desperate Sanity check and your life a makeover!

Friday, February 22, 2008

Self Ranting!

Edinburgh is a city of weird circumstances, this place has something about it which puts you in a position where you have to crib! I mean no matter how much i try each night i feel i should run away from this place, dude how can it be so bad, even though i am getting great reviews at work(touch wood) and yes its fun too, am doing plays in the evenings, there are people around even if not as many as Glasgow or Delhi, and and now i even have gym,swimming and yoga classes to look forward to, what else do you want in life dude?????

Damn , only if knew!

I am not liking the feel of staying in this place, there is something about the city which excites me but then there is something which makes me feel that i cannot stay here any longer, undecided as i have always been, have been staying here for the last 3 months, but i guess soon it might be time to move on, if the city of dead people does not come alive!

Is there no one who can share my mind here?

There would be some people like me, even in this city of DE AD!
I shall find them soon, or you shall find me soon!(read another city)
(Figures crossed)

Btw had a neat day at work, went to gym and watched 1-40 ki local train!
Time for caffeine and nicotine, late rs!

Thursday, February 21, 2008

The days go bye(read by)...

So what's been happening for the last few weeks and months from which this blogspot has been spitting out for ink or key sounds , NOT MUCH my friend!

The last month has been one of agony and pain, thanks to 'talk talk Joydeep', I have been using most of my salary to the ever so irritating face of the polish aunty who runs an internet cafe at leith walk and charges a pound for an hour, i can own a cafe for that money in delhi(well almost!), the fact that i have to walk a mile to log on and worse that its fu#/:~ng -3C everytime i walk out in this country. To add insult to injury i have been fighting with three broadband providers who claim i am using their service, even more damn these shops close at 9pm , not realising that its dead boring in this city called edinburgh. OK stop cribbing now! What the Fuck!

Actually its not so bad, did a play with Dev and his group, was good fun to hang out with a bunch of thespo's(theatre desperates if people have forgotten the long lost blog) after a while, re-lived the past , which was nice, sereal but nice!!!!taarrararra tararar, i know u guessed it , yes Notting hill! OH the play was called Radhakrishnan before i forget mentioning.

and the most important bit, musharaf is out of power, democracy survives , even if hanging of the cliff , hopefully someone would have the chrisma and vision of Benezir to take that country forward and give long awaited peace to that part of the globe.

Finally Angela seems to be excited about Q1 reforecast even after continuous warnings from the team that we are heading for a loss position, hahahahh i guess its time for a lot of screaming and shouting, the shame is as usual we would be on the hearing side!

Will be back again , till then Laters!!!!



Oh yes doing another play starting next month, this time with a group called Leith theatre, peace!