Saturday, November 04, 2006

Virus of the mind

saturday afternoon 4th november 2006

oh i dont know why were computers made...........

they have a problem with them everyday, you keep running around repairing them more than using has made everyone an addict of this drug they call COMPUTERS...its like huh....and over the top of it all everything is like legal here..can u believe it that the cheapest windows cd is 85£....i can buy 85 cds for that price at home ......and yes 1 problem leads to another, thats like a repair 1 problem and bet another will crop up,and if you are a student you mite be selling your clothes in the end to repair i suggest if you owe a computer look for the closest dustbin and............
i am really pissed today so all my yahoo,msn ,orkut pplzzz, whom i promised i would be online but my computer had a problem again .....dont miss me, dont think about me but ya i still dont mind coffee(nescafe).......

PS- IBM,microsoft has new openings :)

signing off


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